سياسة الخصوصية في دوت نكست جيج

By accessing or using the Platform, you consent to the information collection, disclosure and use practices described in this Privacy Policy. Please also review our Terms and Conditions, which governs your use of the Service, and which is accessible at terms and condition link


Information You Provide to Us

  • • Personal Information: In the course of using the Platform (whether as a client or a Freelancer), we may require or otherwise collect information that identifies you as a specific individual/company and can be used to contact or identify you (“Personal Information”). Examples of Personal Information include your name, email address, and phone number.
  • • Payment Information: If you use the Service to make or receive payments, we will also collect certain payment information, such as bank account information.
  • • User Profile – Freelancer: You have the opportunity to create a profile, which consists of information about you, and may include Personal Information, photographs, gender, your bank account, examples of your work, information on work previously performed via the Platform, skills, numbers of your ongoing projects, completed projects Services in queue, feedback/rating information and other information, including your real name (“In your Profile”). The information in your Profile may be visible to all Platform Users and visitors. You may edit certain information in your Profile via your account and may choose to limit who is able to view certain content you post to your Profile.
  • • User Profile – Client “Individual”: You have the opportunity to create a profile, which consists of information about you, and may include Personal Information, photographs, gender, your bank account, information on the projects you previously offered via the Platform, numbers of your ongoing projects, completed, feedback/rating information and other information, including your real name (“In your Profile”). The information in your Profile may be visible to all Platform Users and visitors. You may edit certain information in your Profile via your account and may choose to limit who is able to view certain content you post to your Profile.
  • • User Profile – Client “Company”: You have the opportunity to create a profile, which consists of information about your Company, and may include Company’s Information, Commercial Registration Number, number of employees, bank account, information on projects you offered previously through the Platform, numbers of your ongoing projects, completed projects, feedback/rating information and other information. The information in your Company’s Profile may be visible to all Platform Users and visitors. You may edit certain information in your Profile via your account and may choose to limit who is able to view certain content you post to your Profile.
  • • Feedback: We collect public and private feedback from the Platform Users about their experience. Please note that any public feedback that you provide via the Platform about your experience with other .NXT GIG Users of our Service or that is provided about you by other Users is publicly viewable via the Platform. On rare occasions, we may remove feedback pursuant to the relevant provisions of our Terms and Conditions Link.
  • • We also collect feedback from Users about our Service. We use this information to respond to your inquiries, improve the Service and how our Site functions, and develop new products and features.
  • • To request removal of your personal information from our Platform, you may contact us through Contact Us Link. In some cases, we may not be able to remove your Personal Information, in which case we will let you know if we are unable to do so and why.
  • • .NXT GIG does not rent or sell your personally identifiable information to third parties.
  • • .NXT GIG does not share your contact information with other users or third parties without your consent.
  • • Any personally identifiable information that you provide to us will be secured with industry standard protocols and technology.


We may change this Privacy Policy. If we make substantial changes, we will provide notice. .NXT GIG may update this Privacy Policy at any time and any changes will be effective upon posting. In the event that there are substantial changes to the way we treat your Personal Information, we will display a notice through the Services prior to the change becoming effective. We may also notify you by email, in our discretion. However, we will use your Personal Information in a manner consistent with the Privacy Policy in effect at the time you submitted the information, unless you consent to the new or revised policy.

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